Editing Services


Copy Editing


When copy editing, I correct errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and usage. I guard the uniqueness and consistency of the author’s voice, and make certain the words match the author’s intended meaning. Copy editing varies in intensity based on each author’s needs. Heavy copy editing, also known as line editing, involves moving text around for clarity, and examining ideas more closely. In addition to all this, I read sensitively, with a diverse readership in mind. 

Developmental Editing

As a developmental editor, I work with the author in the areas of craft and structure. I assess the entire manuscript for style, logic, tone, and clarity. I collaborate with the author to organize the content of the book into the best shape for the story. I help reinforce the manuscript’s strengths and suggest improvements where they are needed. This process is sometimes called substantive editing and it can take place at any point in the process of book creation. 



This is the final read-through of a manuscript to make sure all agreed corrections have been integrated and no new mistakes have been introduced. As a proofreader, I screen for any overlooked errors in formatting and make sure the document is clean and professional.

My fees are based on the Editorial Freelancers Association’s median rate ranges available here. Additionally, I run a sample edit of a short section of your manuscript to provide you with an estimate.