

Wishes for Lucie, at Menarche

by Ayshea Wild

I wish for you to remember you are beautiful, now and always

Whatever outside influences you may encounter,

To surround yourself with women friends

Who draw on each other’s wisdom,

To know your body is a gift

To yourself and anyone you choose to share it with,

To treat yourself as a best friend, 

Now and at all times.

I wish for you the freedom to decide for your own body,

And any creations you withhold or bestow,

To know your sexuality may be fixed or mutable,

And that it is for you only to express,

To know that what you feed yourself becomes part of you,

And that you will learn to do this well,

To know the needs of others should not supersede your own,

And to notice and change when they do.

I wish for you to remain aware of the moon phases all your life,

And that you will wish on every new moon,

To know the grace, potential, and beauty

Of a slivered, three-day moon,

To avoid cynicism, believing that like the moon

You can start over at any time,

To receive the full moon’s bounty and ease

As and when it blesses your life. 

I wish for you to know that everything you experience

Is at once ancient and brand new,

To know that in times of distress

The songs of women are there for you,

To know that you channel light, love, and peace

Simply with your existence,

To know that anything you endure bodily, emotionally, and


Can serve to brighten your light.

I wish you good health, contentment, and full-on joy

As the goddess is uniquely expressed through you,

That your love for the whole world continues to expand,

And that you include yourself in this.

I wish you to know your innermost center

And find your way there when you need,

I wish you to learn how to get quiet,

And hear your intuition speak.

©Ayshea Wild 2020


Creative Nonfiction

